How To: Fit Carpenter Racing 210/240/265hp Kit (Inc. Dialling In Cams)

Question/clarification on valve timing: from what I am reading these measurements .110 intake and .095 exhaust are at OVERLAP? (At TDC at the end of the exhaust stroke?)
These are the amount of lift on the intake and exhaust valves of any cylinder when that cylinder's piston is at TDC, between exhaust and intake strokes.

The valve events are overlapping at this point, however overlap is expressed in degrees (how many degrees of the crank that the intake and exhaust valves are both 'open' for).

You are correct, the exhaust valve is near the end of its closing movement. And intake valve is just starting to open.
Hi there! Great post! I didn't see anything about the PCV install. More specifically, should the crank pos sensor harness be connected for these particular maps from carpenter? Because uhhh, mine's not. The PCV install manual says it should be, but I'm wondering if it is necessary with these maps.

Yes it needs to be hooked up.
I've reached out to @Neville Lush to inquire about a piston and cam replacement for the Roadster and remembered this fine article as a future resource for when I'm ready to venture into, for me, what are un-chartered waters.

@R-III-R Turbo you may not even be aware, but tinypic is out of business, so all the photos you posted, which would be invaluable to me along with your text, have disappeared. You've already put an enormous amount of work into sharing this information with us, but I hope you will consider editing your original post to, once again, include the photographs.... please, pretty, please.


I will do dude, thanks for the heads up. Will add them to this site as media so they don't disappear again. Good luck with your build!