How to balance throttle bodies

Throwing flames could be a sign that you are running a tad rich ? Take a look at your plugs next time your under the tank . If you are , a slightly leaner tune will probably unleash another couple of ponies !

The rear TPS is the primary TPS. Resetting it is easy with TuneECU. I have the guide for resetting both TPS'. PM me if you want me to send it.

I have 20228 loaded on my bike. Huge difference in power, no decel popping, mileage dropped from 30mpg to 26mpg. Runs very rich. Those are the main characteristics . I have no stumble at 4,50rpm. Did you check the voltages on the both TPS units?
Throwing flames could be a sign that you are running a tad rich ? Take a look at your plugs next time your under the tank . If you are , a slightly leaner tune will probably unleash another couple of ponies !
I have Hanso's tune in the bike which is a little bit richer for what I've done to the old girl! And yesterday I was riding her like I hated my back tyre. Maybe I'll try her on a less "Full throttle" ride and see how she goes ......
I have Hanso's tune in the bike which is a little bit richer for what I've done to the old girl! And yesterday I was riding her like I hated my back tyre. Maybe I'll try her on a less "Full throttle" ride and see how she goes ......
you mean there's less ? My bike only has 2 settings , flat out and stop !

Great post sir but I’m not sure how you adjust the throttle bodies. This shows how and where to clean but which screw do you turn for which cylinder. Are there 3 screws or just 2? Are you suggesting we remove the entire TB mechanism or is this just for photos?

Thanks for your time.
look for any post by @idk - in his signature you'll find links to instructions.
There are only two screws: one between #1 &#2 and one between #2 & #3. And you do not remove the throttle bodies. I just had an extra set from which I took pictures.
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Do you access these screws from the left side of the TBs or from the inside like under the tank?
Yes, tank up and support with the prop clipped under the righthand side of the tank and a really long, decent screwdriver.

IIRC the screw between 2-3 works the opposite way to that between 1 and 2. Be patient. The number of the screen doesn't matter just that all 3 readings should be within 10hPa of each other. The more in balance they are the smoother the bike.