How to balance throttle bodies


You guys on this forum are a great help to keen but untrained folk like myself. I have a good aptitude for mechanical stuff but little experience. This site helps no end because I can rely on others experience.

Without getting all mushy and emotional, cheers guys

I will now go and wash my vagina
No manual. What exactly do I need to do to adjust the throttle bodies on r3t? I understand the tuneecu. I just don't know what to take off or which screw to turn.

I have TuneECU but haven't had a use for it yet. From this thread, it appears that you can adjust the throttle bodies on a R3T using TuneECU but I want to make sure because, according to the factory service manual, the throttle bodies can't be balanced on a R3T (but can with other Rocket III models) using the Triumph tool but, instead, must be balanced with a special vacuum tool. I had assumed that if the Triumph tool couldn't balance the throttle bodies, TuneECU probably couldn't either because they probably work in a similar way. Thinking that it could be possible that some of the answers here saying you can use TuneECU to balance throttle bodies on a R3T may have been made by owners of non-Touring models of the Rocket III, I want to make sure.

It's great news if TuneECU will do the job with an R3T.
This is next on the bike really glad it came up.Throttle bodys are off the bike and plan on following this post to the letter prior and after installation.
Not sure why you couldn't as the touring and roadster share the same engine. But don't have much experience on tourings.

I'm not sure either - and it's weird - but the factory service manual specifically says that the Triumph tool can't be used on the Touring model but can be used on other R3 models. I would think that if the Triumph Diagnostic tool can't do this job, TuneECU probably can't either. Here's the quote from page 11.185 of the factory service manual:

"The Rocket III Touring throttles cannot be balanced using the Triumph diagnostic tool. Instead, Triumph recommend [sic] the use of the Souria Indiana digital inlet vacuum analyzer or similar device."

From what I can tell, the Souria Indiana tool is no longer available but it was very expensive anyway. There other similar tools out there but they are not priced for only occasional use. Their too expensive even for me - a tool freak - to justify.

I'm hoping the manual is incorrect. I have found some errors in it so far.

So, has anyone actually adjusted the throttle bodies using TuneECU on a Rocket III TOURING?
I have an issue with up and down idle on my '14 roadster. Is thus what I need to do to fix it?
Yet again the knowledge on here is outstanding as I'm still having issues and then realised I haven't done a reset!!! Next job and thanks!
Today I worked on a 2005 with triple K&N and TORs. The TB are a little out of sink. 1 and 2 read 600 and 3 read 570/580 bouncing back and forth. I'm thinking the adjustment is simple enough, but I'm concerned about resetting the rear TPS. Any Thoughts ?

Also I loaded a tune in it, a 2005 with triple K&N and TORs. I used 20228goodoldbase TORS TripleTune Cat delete Ramair anti decel pop plus5. The tune made a difference that could be felt from the old Powertrip enhanced 20050. However at 4,500 rpm it burbles and stumbles some. Any thoughts.
I was concerned as triumph Aus told me there was no adjustment in mine; well just proved those idiots wrong! So easy and under 2min to do
Well finally got the old girl cracking..... even throws flames when hard compression braking. Mate reconds it's a sight as his 110HD couldn't get past me!
Thank you all again for your input for my issues. I have really got to know my bike a lot better.