The guys in the video above are 200-220 lbs. You are 127. My opinion is you need a lighter spring on the shock. I don’t know how you go about doing that. Showa should be able to supply a lighter spring.
First, you need to determine the current settings. What are they? If the preload is at its minimum, all the way counterclockwise, and both dampings are 3 or less, and the rear suspension isn’t moving, there’s not much you can do. Adding preload will make it harder.
The non half a$$ way to approach this is to measure the static sag. You can look up what this means but basically you have to be able to lift the rear wheel off the ground to do it. Any bike shop should be able to help you with this. The sag with you on the bike should be about 30% of the rear suspension’s travel, or 30-35 mm for your bike since the travel is 102 mm. If it’s much less than 30, you need a lighter spring. If it’s close to 30, you could just live with it, and set the damping to soft (2.5-3).