How fast have you ridden your Rocket III?

I thought my 77 KZ1000 was fast. Only have 650 miles on the R3 and cant get a day to ride over 40 degrees here in Chicago. Coming home from Indiana last Sunday and the temp had just cracked 50. New bike new helmet so I’m not watching the gauges after I’m out of first (I live in 7 - 8 K RPM land on the KZ and not used to the rev limiter on the R3).

The on ramp to Interstate 65 at route 2 is quite long because of all the truck traffic. The posted speed limit is 70. Some knucklehead was at full speed in the right lane and didn’t see me merging. There was a truck ahead of him and no one close in the left lane. I was probably doing 60 – 65 as I entered the highway when I just cracked it, snaked into the left lane and passed about 12 trucks. When I glanced at the speedo the needle had just fallen below 110 so I had to have hit 120 – 130. It was like falling off a log – way too easy
wildrooster glad that there wasnt no fog in the area
I dont bother to look at the speedo I just follow rainman.However fast we are going I just ride along behind and hope the Harleys and such riding with us can keep up
After the 2nd or 3rd oil change I decided that she was broke in enough to open her up, I got it up to 130 mph on the speedo but backed off as I wasn't comfortable at that speed,(must be getting old) a little while after that I put the corbin bags on and have been running her that way ever sense.

last summer I was heading back from wyoming into colorado when I opened her up again and got up to just past 135mph! and this time I was more comfortable with it (still I couldn't do it all day long) maybe the corbins?

Now I will say that my rocket will do 85-95 as long as the road is open! and as long as I could stay on the bike! many of my riding associates have to work pretty hard at maintaining those speeds!