How do you feel about posting

I don't really think I have much to pass
Library of Alexandria? In my case would be cheap knock off, lame a bit, dirty version of it ;-)
I does however make me happy inside when young vets and nurses learn a trick or two from an old goat like me. They don't seem to appreciate it now but maybe one day they will. If not- their loss.
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Helping someone to fix their bike is certainly a noble act.
So is lifting someone's spirit while their waiting for the guy that knows how to take that assembly apart to fix the thingamajig.

If forums like this were only about nut's & bolts, i'm not convinced that it would be such a long term success.
Forums need to incorporate dialogue/discussion of a wider nature in order to keep the interest to keep checking everyone has an opportunity to bring something to the table and feel good about posting stuff.

The more frequency that folk check in to see what's new or how things are progressing, etc... the more opportunity there is for information to be read, commented on and shared.

If you haven't got anything technical to share about the bike, you might have something useful to share about roadcraft, or which satnav works best for you etc.... Even passing on a new joke could brighten someone's day.

The more people are visiting regularly, the more the beneficial info/data about the bike(s) will be added by all, over time.

Some folks are good with the tech & other are good with the jokes and banter....It takes more than one type of skill to keep 'you' running down that road with a contented soul.

When I entered high school one of the teachers told the students
"You will be surprised how much your parents is going to learn in the next 4 years "

That is great way of describing the people and the site
Me and the forum members appreciate the good words
Thank you
I feel the same way Mel. I'm here for moral support and troop entertainment and to learn a few tricks along the way. It's hard at times to stay off triple restriction due to my mouth but I have good intentions...Honest!
At least you have strippers boots