Horn/brake light/turn indicators not working all the time

Not sure if others may have this issue but I had the same problem with indicators, brake light and horn not working intermittently. Replaced flasher unit no joy. Checking through wiring it was coming and going so thought bad connection. Lubed and closed up connections where I could and it started working okay. I thought that was it, but no. Went to rebuild next day and switched on to check still working and didn't work. I then found this thread and found that when working if I wiggled the key in the ignition it stopped working. I thought I would have to buy a new ignition and try fit myself but looked like a nightmare job, so... I repeatedly sprayed lots of lube in the ignition and switched on and off loads. I packed rags around the ignition to soak up the leakage. I have done this about 5 times today, switching ignition on and off about 50 times after each lube. It's now working perfectly and I cannot get it to stop working. The key switch from off to on and from on to off also now feels much better. My theory is that over time crud has got in there and contacts slightly corroded, especially as not used over winter. The electrical cleaner I used was fospro px which is like wd40 but good for electrical connections. Hope it stays working and hope this helps others...