Hooters Delaware bike nite


Aug 16, 2008
Yesterday I stopped by the Hooters in Delaware on 13 for their wednsday bike nite. There was one other R3 there, it had Maryland plates, yellow pin striped wheels, triples without a bearclaw and black single pipe exhaust.
I was just wondering if it belonged to anyone here on the .net site.
You have to understand .... the parking lot is full of hardley's and gold plated rice burners with owners standing around quietly berating all the wannabe's snapping pictures of what they can't have. I just couldn't bring myself to pull out a cell phone and join the foamers taking pictures like japanese tourists. LOL :rolleyes:
..hey hellfire, that was me..I forgot my password to get in here..:eek:..anyhoo, that was the first bike night for me at that Hooters..good gawd what a crowd of cycles coming in that place..me and my neighbor rode up and stayed from about 6:30 to 7:15, then left..I was starting to get worried that we would get stuck in there..there must have been well over a hundred bikes or more in that small parking lot..
I'll have to look for you there again, didn't know you had stripped down what I'm assuming was a Classic so far.
Well how about it then budman,
now we need pictures for sure.
Yea HellFire,
I understand the not wanting to take pictures of somebody else's bike,
Especially if there were all them harley posers there anyway,
Heck, they might think you wanted a picture of one of their pieces of crap.
I'm sure you would have just laughed and popped a wheelie leaving on your REAL motorcycle;););)