Holy Cow!

Welcome to Rocket world! I see that you own rides from the top two brands in the world...Triumph and Triumph.
welcome gunfighter
ive only had my rocket for 2 weeks, just cant keep off of it, they are f##kin awsome.
you wont find a rocket owner who would argue that, welcome again.:bch:

Thanks for the responses...use to belong to a Harley Chat room....mostly inhabited by chrome junkies who rode only when they were close to a dealership...you know, "Rain bad, sun good" types who never understood it ain't the ride -- it's THATyou ride! I even got good words from my 'Army' Brethren -- LOL -- seriously, let me say publicly that I had the privilege of fighting an Army Brigade in Al Anbar for 8 months (believe it or not, even a Colonel can be a gearhead!) as the G-3 of a Marine Division; your guys are awesome, professional and can ride/fight/serve alongside me anytime and anywhere!!!
Well, back on the roads today to smile at those that think price tag determines quality....
Bob "Gunfighter"
As another brother in arms of long ago Semper Fi gunfighter, I didn't stay in very long when I got back and a Triumph wasn't even my 1st bike. It was my 2nd and this is my 3rd and I have to say it is one addicting machine. I just got my 2nd flat rear today but the RAT boys stuck with me and we got it back home. Hope to make it up there as my buddy lives up near you. Welcome and we all appreciate your service.
Great story Gunfighter. Sounds like you ride for all the right reasons and now own one of the most unique bikes on the planet.

My 18 year old son joined the guard a couple weeks ago and I hope he has the privilege to serve with soldiers like yourself. :bch:

Hey Gunfighter, welcome to cyberbiking. How far is it to Nashville? Check out Rockets Accross America II. No better way to brake in that 07' than on a road trip.
As a former enlisted man in the Army we were instructed to call all officers, "Sir" most didn't seem to deserve the respect, but we respected the rank if not the man. You appear to be cut from a different bolt of cloth and it is easy to spot the desrving few. Welcome aboard, Sir.