Hillclimb project

Really nice setup they have there. The hill is 5 tiers with the last 2 pretty much straight up. It really slows the riders down and makes it so you can't just blast up the top 2. There's a 2 level jump and a road across the third level they call "the graveyard". LOL The first 3 levels are packed and groomed. The last 2 are loose and there are big boulders in it. I plan to jump the first 3. One guy went off the left side of the top tier. Lol

They had a pretty diverse bunch of bikes there. Lots of rice and plenty of Harleys including an XR750. Here are just a few of the bikes that were running. Huge 2 level pit area too.

Pretty sure it was a CR that had the fastest time though. Go Honda! Either it was a CR or a Yamaha. I forget but they were both fast.

This open class Kawasaki was loud as hell.

XR750. The other Harleys were Sportsters. They made it as far or farther than some of the Jap bikes.
this hill looks relatively easy compared to the big nasty in Idaho. what Sayest you?