High Speed Weave

Tell me about it!! I’m stunned about how badly it’s gone to be honest...

I will probably end up doing my own work now ... there’s just a couple of things I don’t know like checking valves but I’m sure I can learn. Have done oil brakes etc before... I have a shop manual so can probably follow that but I can’t claim to be completely on top of general mechanic skills... again, I’m sure I can learn.

That sucks about your buddy’s bike... sounds like law suit material.. even I’m not far off it at this point! At least I never signed for the bike and have maintained to the insurer that the problems continue... I’m sure they’re also not happy at the repairer for being charged for parts that weren’t replaced so hopefully that will support my claim as this continues... on the plus side I have several lawyers willing to represent me for free
Also yours is much lower speed, mine is at 110-130 mph, not kph.
Also yours is much lower speed, mine is at 110-130 mph, not kph.

Yep.. if it was at 130mph I probably wouldn’t even notice it... but at kph it’s ridiculous... I can’t even travel at legal speed on the highway without it doing it
Also yours is much lower speed, mine is at 110-130 mph, not kph.

My standard does the slow weave above 120. That's with a tall windscreen and panniers. Never tried it with them off. It's not a scary feeling, like it's going to go into wobbles or something but it does make you hang on a little tighter.

Wow, what a horror story and there's nothing one can do as a ripped off customer. Lack of honesty is rampant.
In my case the problem
Was there before the cobras... if anything I think they have helped!

Oh well never mind.... lol

I didn't realize the bike was in a accident. Missed that this morning. Yeah.. you need to let a professional take a look at it.

called my insurer this morning - it seems the repairer has double billed them for parts not supplied too. The plot thickens.... watch this space.... seems like its gonna get interesting!
Looks like your repairer may lose his contract with the insurance company!

Unless the can prove it was a mistake!
Just a thought . . .
Sometimes in an off forces can tweak the forks within the triple clamps.
Perhaps loosen the clamps on the forks (one at a time) and allow the fork tubes to re center within the tripli clamps.