I can't find any information on here or in manual. Last night was the 1st time I have had the GT out. The headlight is switching from high to low and low to high when I switch gears or apply the brake. Is this normal? If so can it be changed? I have a hard time believing this is how it's supposed to be...I can think of a logical reason
I rolled the bars forward a bit.. the dealership had them way too low..almost in my lap. I had to rotate the levers to compensate...the clutch was hitting the high beams every time I shifted.
Don't feel bad. I don't ride at night anymore. I rode down to get the state safety inspection and couldn't find switch to dim the lights for a moment. That switch is in an odd place.
it is amazing how many times you can hit that high beam switch without trying, and when you need it, you will never find it, it is sort of like finding neutral, you don't need it, you'll hit it everytime, you need it, and you can't get it