Welcome from California.
I can tell from your 3 posts that you are a gentleman and scholar. Please forgive my fellow forum mates for not hearing your heart felt and sincere gesture of friendship and comradery. I am however confused about one thing. Why did you choose to purchase such a powerful motorcycle when it would seem that you are more suited for a Honda Rebel 250?
Easy there! I once rode a Rebel 250, and it scared the pants off me. I walked around for at least a week without pants, and I got three citations for indecent exposure and one marriage proposal.
I'm sorry, I don't care how hot you are Tom Cruise, I'm not going to marry you. I absolutely refuse to convert to Scientolology.
I liken it to a "glass half full"... There are a lot of people on here that have made life a lot better for the group with their wisdom and knowledge, not only of the Rocket, but of life in general.... and that's more than my opinion, it's my experience.