Hi from throttlegripper

G'Day Mate

Welcome to the site TG. I also put Staintunes 3/3 with their cat bypass and I've never looked back. We're in the minority .... but so are rich people and movie stars!

You can take out the baffles from the inside of each pipe near the back. Simply unscrew and use needle nosed pliers to pull out the insert. It definitely gives it a lower and meaner tone.
Hi Pianoman, I've only had the pipes on a couple of weeks,and took the baffles out as I prefer that sound.The bike definitely goes better or maybe it just sounds that way. I'm considering back shocks & and Tuneboy, but not sure yet. Have you done any of these mods?

I am new to this also it seems like a lot of nice people on this site a lot of info
Since I've been using the net more, and enjoying these cool websites, I never seem to watch TV anymore. Which isn't a bad thing plus I'm learning to type and enjoy being able to interact with people all over the world. In the physical world you can meet people and form opinions by their a appearance or mannerisms etc. But over the net all that doesn't matter, age, colour, creed. Theres something about that which is appealing to me. Every time you post something it reveals a little bit more about you. You could be talking to someone with to heads and six legs, and twelve fingers, but you wouldn't know it and it wouldn't matter. ( By the way I have one head, Two legs and two arms ). But if you meet someone on the street with all those features you'd probably FREAK OUT. and probably / definitely wouldn't talk to them.
Hey Flip your a "Rocket Capt", so you have to some kind of 10.

Did I say, Welcome to the Forum!!! Did you see that blue smurf dude who'd OD'd on collodial silver. I tell you, if I encountered him on the street I guarantee I'd look twice.

I'm an adovcate of CS. I know where he went wrong. You have to use HVAC in the generation process. I've been using it for everything for many years and I'd still pink...ish.

GREAT looking ride.