Welcome to your second favorite site Big grin exercises are good preparation for your end of week arrival of your Fat Bottom Girl (FBG), thanks Britman.
Captain Ahab always said match your hardware pipes/cat-elim/uni-filter/etc. to the software ECM tune. A synchronized crew makes for a happy and productive ship.
Welcome carmima. I hope you enjoy your new classic as much as I have enjoyed mine. I was curious about the Givi hard cases you ordered , I could not find any available on their site for a Rocket; also could not find an application for Easy brackets. I was wondering if you would be willing to share information on what you have ordered?
Welcome carmima. I hope you enjoy your new classic as much as I have enjoyed mine. I was curious about the Givi hard cases you ordered , I could not find any available on their site for a Rocket; also could not find an application for Easy brackets. I was wondering if you would be willing to share information on what you have ordered?
Hi Tbucket...yeah no problem.
Easy Brackets have a mounting system for the R3 - TR1-R2http://www.easybrackets.com/products/triumph_motorcycles.htm
I ordered the Givi E21 hardcases and the E52 top case.
The Easy Brackets have a bracket that attaches to the E21 cases and a mounting system that fits to the rear fender mounts.
The E52 comes with a base plate that can attach to the Triumph accessory sissy bar/luggage rack. When you want to use the Givi top box, you take off the sissy bar and the Givi then acts as the backrest for a pillion
Once I pick up the bike (couple of days) and fit all the accessories I'll post some photos
You have pretty much done it all with one important exception,"Shocks". Depending on your size or shall I say weight, your ride may be somewhat harsh. With those nice bags you can add ballast to get up to about 230 to get those big stock springs to mellow out some. And welcome, I'll cross my fingers on Friday for you to keep the rain gods at bay.
You have pretty much done it all with one important exception,"Shocks". Depending on your size or shall I say weight, your ride may be somewhat harsh. With those nice bags you can add ballast to get up to about 230 to get those big stock springs to mellow out some. And welcome, I'll cross my fingers on Friday for you to keep the rain gods at bay.
Geez...I've been here 5 mins and I'm already being called a fat bastard .
Actually coming from a long history of sports bikes, I prefer a harder ride!
I'm around 100kg with riding gear, so by the time the missus gets on board (can't mention her weight ) and we stuff gear in the cases, it should hopefully smooth things out a bit.
Hi Tbucket...yeah no problem.
Easy Brackets have a mounting system for the R3 - TR1-R2http://www.easybrackets.com/products/triumph_motorcycles.htm
I ordered the Givi E21 hardcases and the E52 top case.
The Easy Brackets have a bracket that attaches to the E21 cases and a mounting system that fits to the rear render mounts.
The E52 comes with a base plate that can attach to the Triumph accessory sissy bar/luggage rack. When you want to use the Givi top box, you take off the sissy bar and the Givi then acts as the backrest for a pillion
Once I pick up the bike (couple of days) and fit all the accessories I'll post some photos