Hi everyone, new first time Triumph Owner


Standard Bore
Feb 22, 2025
2025 Triumph Rocket 3
Hello all! I'm a recent Triumph Rocket 3 buyer/rider and figured there is no better way to start than to connect with other riders. I have many years of riding other bikes but this is my first Triumph. I purchased a 2025 Rocket 3 GT and picked it up yesterday. When I picked it up I received a black folder with a spare hard key and some service manuals but no user manual. I did find one online, but I'd rather have a hard copy, does anyone know if the user manual is supposed to be included with the folder? At any rate, just wanted to say hello and check out the forum.
Welcome from Tucson Arizona USA
Greetings from sunny North Texas. The owner's manual should have been in your packet, check with your dealer. The owner's manual is available online from: Manuals

Put your VIN in and your manual can be downloaded and printed. Enjoy your new wheels.
Welcome from the UK.
As Atomsplitter said...The bike should come with a user manual.
Welcome aboard the miles of smiles express! You chose well!
Welcome from the PNW. When I picked my 25 GT last year, the dealer said both the binders and the manuals were being phased out for online sources. He was surprised to see I had a manual... so it looks like you may be stuck with online only.

Oh, when your at your bike next, make sure your aluminum bar caps on your handle bars don't pull off easily. Mine did and when I called the dealer a while lot of 25's didn't have the circlip in the packing for when the assemble the bike at the dealer. They got mine sorted in about a week.

Again, welcome!
congrats on your bike; let us know where you are from