Hi All !

Welcome to the club. What is the deal with Rockets, wives and kitchens? I had to promise my wife a new tile floor in the kitchen.
Welcome from Utah Chris, you are one tough hombre. Walking in the dealership without power of the pen is like, well a kid in a candy shop having to keep his hands in his pockets!
Ask yourself two questions

1) do you have a bike now?
2) does she have a kitchen now?

If the answer to both are yes, get her the new kitchen.
If the answer to both are no get her the new kitchen.
If the answer to question one is yes and question two is no get her the new kitchen.

But! If the answer to question one is no and the answer to question two is yes
Who the hell wears the **** pants in your family? Set that woman straight and go get your **** bike now!!!!

She will appreciate you for taking charge!

(Trust me I've been married 3 times I know what I'm talking about!)

Another person with a 50 50 relationship.
She's in charge for the first 50 years of marriage. Your in charge for the 2nd 50.......