Hi all just got myself a little ol Rocket

Thanks a lot guys , I feel at home already .
I love that paint.
Welcome from Kansas City Missouri! Hey did you hear our Kansas City Chiefs beat the New England Patriots?
Welcome, you may want a belly pan to cover the oil filter (and it just looks better IMO).
Welcome, I ready ( just got my self a little Rocket) I thought to my self what there a little Rocket Nice looking Rocket
Welcome from Northern Ontario. That is one beautiful looking Rocket you have there. I love the paint. For me, I'd strip the pillion and back rest, and get a flyscreen to match. Agree the mirrors need to go. Can you take some more pictures to see both sides from a bit of distance. Stunning.

Oh, you might want to check under your water pump. Looks like you have an anti freeze leak from the red liquid I see on the ground. Might just be a loose clamp.
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Gorgeous ride you have there!!! I enjoy both my R3T and V-Rod... but my R3T more...