Hey! It's nice outside, Let's Ride

Wed-Thu are my days off work. Plus I have lots of vac time to burn. If i plan something I'll let you know, you do the same.
Yes, I had to wear my jacket this morning.
Where would you like to ride?
My responses are delayed because I'm at work right now. But I will get back to you.
You live on the east side near downtown. Im in Clear Lake. Humm? Not many twisties but nice country roads. We could start at 11 AM your place and ride some 3 hours. I can return via HOV lane.
I am pretty open... I left my job in Miami, so a day or so notice and I can ride. Until I find a new job that is.
@1K9 do you still have my cell number?
Yes, I had to wear my jacket this morning.
Where would you like to ride?
My responses are delayed because I'm at work right now. But I will get back to you.

Lets go to the Forth Polk Area. 90 to Beumont, 12 to Vidor and Dewville, Asslmost to Alexandria to ride in the forest. Its gota be dropping leaves still. About 6 hrs plus pee breaks and a candy bar. We can eat on the end of the return leg.
Lets go to the Forth Polk Area. 90 to Beumont, 12 to Vidor and Dewville, Asslmost to Alexandria to ride in the forest. Its gota be dropping leaves still. About 6 hrs plus pee breaks and a candy bar. We can eat on the end of the return leg.

Can do a much shorter ride through Clear Creek. Merryville to 111 N, E on 8, S on 464 and back . Place the GPS on adventure mode.
Can do a much shorter ride through Clear Creek. Merryville to 111 N, E on 8, S on 464 and back . Place the GPS on adventure mode.
How many miles is there route? May be a bit too far for the time allotted? I'm going out to clean the bike. Been riding in the rain seems like all month. It looks like a dirtbike.

Around 250 miles