Hey! It's nice outside, Let's Ride

Where should we meet? Texarkana? 144 No from Bethel looks interesting. I'm sure you could lead us through some twisties to warm up for RAA.
Hoping to get bike finished this weekend. Between days off and rain it has been slow going. Still have a lot to do. Half the bike is setting in the shed.
That would be like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Need to get the Rocket up and running. Pretty excited about how it should run and handle after all this work. Should be a dream.
Chuck rode the Rocket. "He say, I'v never been gone so fast in a motorcycle. How was the Harley... slow?" I might have to contemplate making an offer for Red in Pensacola if she is still available.
Google Maps

Meet in Mena. It's like 6 hour ride for us.

If we wait until Sonny gets his Rocket together, say the weekend after this upcoming weekend - I bet @Big Gun - Jay in Dallas would join in with us, this is a route he likes to run - I can meet him in Mount Pleasant, Tx
Hey Jay............................ ????

Count me in, but you might not recognize me .

Actually may do a QW ride this Saturday. Two weeks in a row, that would be awesome