Hey! It's nice outside, Let's Ride

Stay with your dad, real close. It takes quite a while to come back from such procedures. Good luck to the family and take turns to care for him until he's home.

Prayers for your dad and you

Been there - done that many times with my Dad.
May a perfect procedure and a quick, full recovery be the results, Anthony.
Treasure your Dad as long as possible.

Yeah Anthony, prayers from this way also

Surgeon says all went well. Aorta valve replacement went perfect, 1 bypass was completed, the 2nd was too small to try to repair and it won't affect him in anyway, so they left it alone.

Thanks for the well wishes and prayers.
YEP but thats what we have here its all to far away for someone

But I said I'd meet you half way for a "ride" not a stinking off-road few seconds of a quarter mile straight line!
Meeting Darron 1170 for a little in the woods riding. Meeting at the Sunoco on 90 east and 146 north @ 11am. In case there is anyone else in town viewing this. It will be sunny, cool and dry.
Meeting Darron 1170 for a little in the woods riding. Meeting at the Sunoco on 90 east and 146 north @ 11am. In case there is anyone else in town viewing this. It will be sunny, cool and dry.
Good to see you're back up on your feet. Take it slow don't overdo it.
Good to see you're back up on your feet. Take it slow don't overdo it.
Chemistries are pretty good after 12 doses of rat poison. Pain all over but have energy. If there was no covid life would be much better. How are your bones healing? R U in rehab. It is so easy to lose strength and so difficult to get it back. Make plans to come to Texas in April. The hills of the BRP and nicer but the Hill Country here stays unfrosted. Don't ride, you can fly in and Ill pick you up. You ride the TwoTone. Ill ride the Magna. Perhaps GOC will be up to it. I have space for both of you.
Well the calcification of the plate and screws look good. But in the xrays he saw something he didn't like. Two should injections and I have to go to Physical therapy. I got him cutting in again. He seems to be a good mechanic so I'm ok with that. I got to get in for some test as I think I've had a couple TIA'S which could explain alot. Getting old sucks !!!!!
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