
Hermy’s still seems very helpful to me. I ordered a part that was no longer available and they emailed me with 3 other dealers that had new old stock and promptly refunded my cc. This was Alex two weeks ago
Never have been my experience...
I'm close to them . Asked too many questions and always get good info. and parts are shipped fast.Could they be waiting on parts? This Covid thing is really stopping vendors from getting stuff out.
I've always had good luck with Hermy's customer service.

Now, with them or any other Triumph dealer, I ask if they have it in stock before ordering. If not, I ask which dealers do- they can look it up. Write down all those dealers and start calling to confirm....

I wish we had access to that computerized inventory. I had to do this one time for valve shims- shims for crying out loud! They're the same ones used on Bonnevilles and maybe most, or all, other Triumph models. Called all over the country before I could locate what I needed.