Here is a story.


Oct 17, 2016
2020 GT
Well after a total of 86,000 miles and 1200 miles from home the 2020 GT was stuck in 6th gear and nothing would unstick it. But I decided to try and get it home in that condition, and understand there was no neutral either. Also were were in the Rockies to boot. Long story short with a lot of clutch fethering (I figured a new clutch was my cheapest option) and with the enormous torque of the Rocket I managed to get it home. After taking it to the dealership they found that the pivot plate and the detent wheel had worn to the point where they didn't engage. Amazingly the clutch was still within specs. I dont know of any other bike that could have gone 1200 miles in sixth gear and not even fry the clutch. Anyway back on the road again.
Who needs gears?
Well done.
do you know part# or can show us, I am curious