Anybody had any experience with the Hepco & Becker hard bags for the R3? Aside from a rhinocerous being the perfect emblem for this bike, it's the only manufacturer I have found that has a dedicated mounting system for the Rocket. I'm thinking about the 40 liter Junior side bags and a Journey topcase.
Anybody had any experience with the Hepco & Becker hard bags for the R3? Aside from a rhinocerous being the perfect emblem for this bike, it's the only manufacturer I have found that has a dedicated mounting system for the Rocket. I'm thinking about the 40 liter Junior side bags and a Journey topcase.
Here you go fast frieght 45 litler top bag (I would buy a GVI pad as the H&B are hard as rock.
30 liter side bags love them the 30 is about as wide as the handle bars the 40 well add another 6 inches or more. If I ever get out ogf my motor I will buy the 40 side s for long trips.
around town I converted back to the backrest and luggage rack.
I use the luggage rack to hold the mount for the trunk.
same bike different paint, predator pipe, and Blower
Thanks, 9.9. They look pretty good. Did you use the H&B universal mount with the Triumph rack to mount the topcase? I'm just wondering if it could be moved forward a few inches because it really seems to hang out over the rear pretty far.
Yes you can bolt the universal mount to the rack. I just take the sisybar and back rest off when I wan to put it on. I used a BMW mount but only because he had it laying around and gave me a deal on it. The only difference was less mounting hole options but I have a milling machine and that was easy to fix. Mine may look back but it is set for the riders comfort and position. Smaller rider move it forward.
go towards the bottom if you want to look at the Junior hard bags and trunk. I would order a trunk pad from GIVI as the H&B pad for the trunk is hard a rock.
The Givi one I am looking at is GIVI E95S backrest for E52/V46 Topcases: Adventure MotoStuff LLC
The salesman I dealt with was Bill Stugart and a pretty good guy.
Thanks a Lot!! Those bags remind me of the Krauser bags that were available in the '70's. Well built and very practical!!By the way, can I ask what kind of MPG's you get with the blower at full tilt?? (Yeah, I know, if you ride a modified R3, you don't worry about gas mileage!!)
I have noticed as low as 26 mpg when I am hard in her for long durations running speeds up around 160mph. If I am cruising and just screwing off it stays around 30 mpg the best on a long trip has been 32mpg and your right its not what I watch for. One thing I noticed is its hard not to screw off