speed sensors do not usually go bad on the rockets. look close to see if u can see a wiring problem.
something chewing on the wires. your favorite dog trying to fix your problem
Also it might have metal stuck to it(sensor is magnetic)
i usually approach it on the amount it costs if price is not bad replace it..
example dodge fwd trans iss & tss (turbine speed sensor goes bad all the time and i buy the sensors for 15 dollars so i have replaced a lot of them.
to chime in on this post for anyone else who may look over this experiencing similar fault code issues as i was. particularly P0202(injector 2 circuit malfunction) all i had to do was simply disconnect and examine terminal pins as per factory manual instructions..and whatchya know did notice a rather large amount of dielectric grease globbed in there from my own doing when assembling>>cleaned up excess grease reconnected injector harness. fired up and instantly could tell and notice engine was operating better!. conected tune ecu cleared previous fault code. there on idle was instantly back to perfect and throttle response is super sensitive. along with decel backfire no longer happening. took for a spin few blocks n back n was night n day difference. i still have fine tuning to be done so there were slight hiccups. but point is engine noticeably ran strong again sounding beautiful. plugged tune ecu back in to be safe no hidden error codes would pop up even tho check engine light stayed off.
Moral is even the simpliest mundane stupid checks can turn your problems right around!!
Even though it said no codes i would do a clear codes and then do a couple of ignition on ignition off cycles and see if that turns off the malfunction light.
If it does not turn off the light u probably still have a code that the scanner is not reading
Even though it said no codes i would do a clear codes and then do a couple of ignition on ignition off cycles and see if that turns off the malfunction light.
If it does not turn off the light u probably still have a code that the scanner is not reading
oh maybe i didnt specify clearly enough what i had done? after cleaning and reconnecting the injector 2 harness. and starting bike with tune ecu connected. I did clear the fault code. and check engine light stayed off since. Mind you bike is running close to perfect. But i certainly will do and keep your advice in mind for the further fine tuning ahead! the stock air plumbing is installed id say technically sloppily as to only be sure this engine could even start n run! lol. intention being to install ramair finally. to add i will admit the throttle cables havent been adjusted per factory guide lines either. they were more or less installed in a similar manner as the stock air intake
Throttle cables r a lot like the clutch cable
You just need enough free play u do not have spring pressure when u wiggle open to closed.
Sounds like u have made a lot of progress
Soon u will climb on it and not worry it will be great and your permanent grin will appear
Throttle cables r a lot like the clutch cable
You just need enough free play u do not have spring pressure when u wiggle open to closed.
Sounds like u have made a lot of progress
Soon u will climb on it and not worry it will be great and your permanent grin will appear
haha thats great to hear!! do ya think the slight engine running issues are related to throttle cable adjustment? gonna be workin on er again soon. will be sure to let known if after adjustment, gets better
Throttle adjustment is not the problem.
If it is rideable i would ride it
The injectors may be a little gumie.
If u can drive it i would use some seafoam to try clean the injectors while driving
Throttle adjustment is not the problem.
If it is rideable i would ride it
The injectors may be a little gumie.
If u can drive it i would use some seafoam to try clean the injectors while driving
aghhh. yeah took er out again n could tell she was back to running abnormly again. check engine light back on. got er back n plugged in. now showing error code for P0352- ignition coil 2, circuit malfunction...lol jeeze. that whole cI lider 2 circuit is against me.lol