Help please


Standard Bore
Dec 6, 2024
Honda Ranger w-wheeler
I plead ignorance and could really use some sound advise.
I have a Honda Rancher 4-wheeler that needs a battery, and having purchased a 12v fuel transfer pump, I thought that a Scorpion Lithium battery might be a good choice for both purposes. So my 'thinker seems to be broken.
What would be the best choice for my use?
Please advise and thanks so very much,
in a VERY general nutshell, there are only 3 manufactures of automotive type (car and motorcycle) batteries, all the brands are all various QC (quality control) sent to various brands. (within the USA market not including nockoffs)
I know this might have a bit of a sticker shock but IMO going to a local supplier like Batteries plus or similar battery store (not Walmart) is the best option. Go with an AGM that has a maximum warranty. do not be fooled but nearly all quality NON fill yourself AGM batteries all have a normal charged resting state of about 12.8-12.9 volts. There are other batteries that have less resting voltage and you can check that from the manufacturer. This is going to start a HUGE internet fight i'm sure but Lipo, and other gimmick batteries have their place, just go with an AGM, Duracell is one of my favorites as it has a 4 year warranty and the support you get from a local supplier shop is by far better than saving $30 bucks and you know what you are getting and NO BS from amazon or whatever. the 3 top sellers of those 3 manufactures are Duracell, Interstate, and BOSCH but there are plenty of other good options but none of them are sold locally in most battery supply stores.
Get a NOCO charger/ maintainer. they are 10x better than any other brand at the same if not less cost that most and have been around the longest with the best trach record and are owned by the same quality company vs others that are a conglomerate pyramid of buyouts and other issues.
Thanks, and may God bless,
One thing to keep in mind, Lithium batteries take a higher charging voltage than lead-acid batteries. This can play havoc with your charging system's rectifier. If the OEM battery is a lithium, then install a lithium replacement, if it was lead-acid, go with that and your charging system won't under or over charge.
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Just to further explain, a flooded liquid acid battery and an AGM are the same thing, the acid is just in a gel form in the AGM, either is fine and have nearly the same voltage your system needs unless you already have a LIPO (lithium)
Just to further explain, a flooded liquid acid battery and an AGM are the same thing, the acid is just in a gel form in the AGM, either is fine and have nearly the same voltage your system needs unless you already have a LIPO (lithium)
The swift and prolific responses to my question have proven one really important thing...
Good Samaritans still exist in spite of the disintegration of our society.
Thank you all,
The swift and prolific responses to my question have proven one really important thing...
Good Samaritans still exist in spite of the disintegration of our society.
Thank you all,
Most of the forums (other sites like renlist, tdiclub, just to name a few) are horrifically populated with arsholes and trolls, Facebook is tolerable at best, I've been members of about 20 different forums from classic car restorations, hunting and fishing, and even spacetalk.... All of them are just horrible. This rocket club right here is the 1st real God Honest truth and real group of people who are worth talking to. Most of all have various skills past working on our rockets and riding them.
We are all very happy to help as best we can.
Heck... I've seen more piss matching and hate on of all things a gardening forum and God forbid you do anything other than what the "experts say" on places like RC talk....
Anyways glad we could help... My rants over! I promise!