Help needed with Ramair install

I trimmed off 1 of the flanges from the original rubber grommet. The other flange on the grommet, I kept instead of using the O-ring looking washer. I already know the sensor fits the original Rubber grommet fitting, and it is held a little bit tighter in this hole.
Just be careful with that IAT sensor, not to snap off or break the glass ball end that fits into the housing.
I had the same issue with my Ramair, I trimmed the Rubber piece the sensor was originally mounted into. It seems to hold it nice and snug in the larger hole. I never contacted Ramair about it.

I wish you had, they might have fixed the issue by the time I got mine!
I trimmed the original grommet also and it seems to hold in ok. Did you notice the back of the sensor harness gets hit by the balance screw when at WOT? It's not enough to hold if from hitting the throttle stop but not the greatest. It's a reasonably good kit with a couple of easily fixed minor issues I suppose.
No, I haven't noticed how close it is to the Balance screw at WOT. I never thought to look
The filter I received a couple of months ago had the same problem. I just installed the IAT sensor with some gasket silicone, which can be easily replaced whenever I need to service the filter.
Why don't you put duct tape on both sides of the hole n drill a hole the size needed in a location that won't interfere with anything?

Duct tape is good stuff but I would be hesitant to put anything on the inside of the filter which may come off and up inside the engine. If I were going to fill and relocate the sensor hole I would be more inclined to tap the existing hole and fit a short bolt with a rubber or fibre washer. The issues are pretty minor but would be so easy to get right during manufacture, which is what had me a bit confused to start with.
I know it doesn't excuse them, but how about a short length of heat shrink tubing shrunk onto the base of the sensor? Mine fit perfectly in the hole and no interference with the throttle linkage.