You can see into the oil tank. If you are ¾ full + you are fine. When you get back measure your oil dip stick and mark it of with a scriber. This of course is good only if you did not get rid of your old dipstick.
My 2006 came with the temp dipstick and the original, the temp dipstick is now in my toolbox junk drawer and I use the OEM. Watching oil temperature
on a water cooled motor seems silly and the oil level markings are not even close. Don't see the point of adding something to worry about when you don't
need to.
Try, "Harley oil temp dipstick". Worked for me a few years ago and did again just now when I tried it. The stick I bought is for a "soft tail" model, perfect fit. I agree with the others who say you don't need it but see no harm in having some info on what is happening to my oil temp, especially if it gives me an early warning that something may be amiss with my cooling system that my idiot lights may fail to warn me about. So might my legs feeling like they are on fire.
I changed the oil myself for the first time...I have r3r 2015 with 6500 miles....I put 5 full and 3/4 quarts into it with filter when I check the dip stick it shows way more than the two cuts at the bottom almost double the distance of higher cut from bottom....jus wandering if I over filled it???? Do I need to drain some out??? Is it gonna cause any problem in future if I leave it as it is....attached is the picture for dip stick with oil level shown with thumb...