HELP! Jardines don't quite fit

Marvin and Tex

You should have looked at my thread about installing Jardines ...There are 3 ways to Install....The hard way...the Harder way.....and my way.

I tried all 3......LOL
After the requisite 24 hour wait, she's up and running. Somehow, there's little or no exhaust leak. Not sure how I pulled that off. I now have triple K&Ns, Jardines, appropriate TuneECU tune (a little decel popping), and a clock and fuel gauge. Only issue now is that the Tach doesn't work I pulled too hard on something under the tank. Will worry about that later. Can now vouch for the smooth power of the Jardines....and the noise...and the heat when you haven't yet installed all the heat shields.

Since I replaced the Jars on the 06 with a Brute, the Jars now are staring at me from the floor of my garage. I can't wait to do surgery on them to convert them to a single and put it (them) on the Roadster. I hear a single gives more torque.
Good luck on installing the heat shields if you did not pre fit them....

I do have fairly large that my had had something to do with my first few attempts............LOL
Let us know how it turns out. I have heard they are a problem.
I'm headed out there in a few minutes. The shields were on the pipes at one point. I'm pretty good with jigsaw puzzles.
