yes i am
a lot of that suggested (yellow sign ) of 20-25 mph might be a couple 15 mph.
keep an eye on your buddies and if they are crossing over the double yellow lines then explain to them that laying that bike over and dragging the peddles is not as scary as ridding over one of those cliff's.
i helped a crouch rocket back up to the payment was about 200 yards down the mountain. i bet he will never forget that ride.
Well chit, after all this my wife thinks we should take them on the four corners ride. Now I’m back to square one and need a trailer drop in Albuquerque.
Problem solved. Tripps reminded me that Breeze is up there and I’ve already called him to arrange the drop off. Dave is only charging me .25 per day for storage.
Problem solved. Tripps reminded me that Breeze is up there and I’ve already called him to arrange the drop off. Dave is only charging me .25 per day for storage.