I mocked everything up. The threaded hole on the bottom mounting bracket does not line up correctly. I used the .250 spacers as specified in the instructions for the roadster models. sds
The front bolt is an m10 the rear is an m8. I was able to get everything lined up, but am wondering if welded nut on the bracket that attaches to the passenger foot peg should be facing up as per the instructions from corbin. It seems that it would put a lot of stress on a small area.
I was going to say that, but then I got scared some a-hole would come along & cuse me of setting him up for the wide 240 tire being closer to the nut now & getting cut by the now deeper set bolt/nut when shocks get compressed.
Now they can berate you!!!!
I may be preaching blind to the already converted here - but please note it is a FINE THREAD M10. It 's not the standard ISO.C 1.5mm pitch. Neither is it the 1mm pitch used on many pipe threads - it's 1.25mm (sometimes used as pipe threads - esp on Japanese made brakes - Nissin for example).
Wont be the first(or last?) time I see somebody try and force a coarse bolt into a fine thread or visa versa.