Helmet recall

A barely used helmet you can gey quite a few years from it, plus you are in Kansas --does the sun ever come out in Kansas
Now helmets are like water heaters they corrode/ break down from the inside out so even if it looks okay ---looks can be deceiving.
Independent tests(still looking for it -it was a few years ago) strongly recommend replacement after 5years mainly due to the sweat factor destoying the helmet, plus the sun on the helmet etc etc
It's not that I am not looking for a new helmet. I was doing that anyway ( I want a white or silver one that's not going to bake my head going across Kansas) it's just that it really is low milage and always garaged.

My water heater at my rental spring a leak last week and ended up springing $2600.00 for a new one.

Also I brought a new helmet 5 weeks ago but won't be using it over winter as it doesn't have the aint fog type visor.

@Tal said he won't ride with me if I have it on as its furo yellow.

I try to replace helmet every 4 years and so far I have beaten that as been riding ten years and had about 8 helmets.

I did get 2 replaced by insurance as they fell off the shelf during the earthquakes we had back in 2010 to 2012.
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So the whole age/use/exposure chestnut.

A "guideline" is just that. And is just one.
The minute it starts to smell of, well, you: it is already starting to rot.
Washing linings only helps the soft lining. Not the harder impact lining.
Do use use non biological cleansers? - Do you use natural soaps? - Detergents contain salt.

tbh the proper measure is probably hours worn. With an "age" weighting.

But - somewhere we have a near mint 9 or 10 year old helmet (my missus has not ridden on the back for ages). Kept in it's bag inside in a dark room. She's worn it about 10 hours total.
There's no way I'd let her out with it now - except to ride to the nearest helmet shop.

I do not ride huge distances or ride that many hours yearly. Even so I am concious that after a while lids start to feel/look "used" - and in general that equates to about 4-5 years-ish.

And ime - what the lid is made of has no bearing at all on the aging process.
Who says it is 5 years? The companies that make and sell lids?

So the styrofoam lining, that has a half-life of 500 years to forever, breaks down in 5 when it is put next to my massive sweed?

Defo sounds like something the people selling the lids would say, says my sceptical side.
I just pull out the pads and throw em in with my underwear. Then put the rest of the lid in dishwasher. That cleans all them bugs off!