
Well my friend you have STRUCK GOLD! knowledge wise... (not me of course...but many here ) Welcome to the Rocket family and enjoy your new permanent Grin! Any photo's?
Welcome from California and another '08 Touring owner.
This is the forum where all your Rocket 3 questions will be answered. As long as you aren't too concerned with correctness.
Welcome aboard. You'll find this is the best site bar NONE in the world for knowledge and banter. ANy question you can even think of will get answers.
Enjoy your new ride and finding out how to make it even better

This is the only picture right now. I'm buying it off of a friend and former supervisor on base. He let me ride it a year ago, and I was hooked. As soon as he gets it out of Biker's Edge in Wichita (yearly service, plus some weird electrical issue causing a random no-start/no-crank, after running for a bit) I'll take possession of it, hopefully in the next week or two. I grew up on dirtbikes and cruisers. I rode a lot of different sport bikes and standards in my 20's and early 30's, and a few adv bikes. I'll eventually add a V-twin (maybe a FTR1200) and I WILL have a boxer twin, but this bike hooked me. Another friend has a '12 R3 Roadster and it's a blast to ride, but with a fused L5-S1, and 3 other bulged discs, a comfortable riding position was a must, as I intend to rack up some miles on this bike, and want to start doing some actual touring. I eventually may add the Cruise Control from AUS (McCarr, McMaster?) but other than that, probably just an exhaust, intake and better tune.
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WELCOME to ya, from WA State!
Other than my 1956 AJS Typhoon, bought back in 1964, of the many, many motors I have bought over all these years, my 2012 R3R was the only other British motor I bought. Now I have two R3Rs - one for hot fun & the other for scalding hot fun!
Hard to beat them Rockets for an old broken body that still wants to haul ass!