Hi Guys, thanks for the warm welcome and advice. I am keeping the Hammer for solo riding and hope it doesn't collect too much dust. I'll try to buy a later model R3T, but I really like the two-tone blue that ended in 2010. It seems the blue 2010's are hard to find...I've seen one for sale in the UK and one in Australia. The search continues...
Hi Gang! I'm looking at a used 2009 R3T next week for sale. It has 15k miles on it and the price seems good. What should I be looking for? For instance, what quirks or tech troubles will I need to evaluate before buying the bike. Thank you in advance
Well, I pulled the trigger this week. Brought home a 2009 R3T and couldn't be happier. I've got him all polished up and looking forward to the first long ride tomorrow.
Well, I pulled the trigger this week. Brought home a 2009 R3T and couldn't be happier. I've got him all polished up and looking forward to the first long ride tomorrow.
I acquired an 09 two-blue Touring two weeks ago. I'd love to meet up and compare notes. One thing I enjoy so much is that there aren't many around here. You're far enough away so I want hold it against you. LOL