Hello from Sydney, Australia

Yes. I’m strongly of the view you should get the one that suits YOU. Obviously you have an opinion on colour. How about foot pegs, handlebar, backrest? Come on, you know which one you want.
The challenge has been no dealer has had demo stock whatsoever so I can't even sit on the two variants to make an informed choice (let alone ride one). I think I have made the right choice though - I love weekend rides that tend to be 300-500km so comfort is pretty important.
There’ll be demo bike in Canberra in the next week or so. Not sure which.
For what it’s worth, most people I’ve spoken to seem to find the GT more comfortable to sit on in the showroom, but when being ridden there’s not much between them comfort wise. I’d be making my decision on whether I wanted forward or mid controls. Handle bars are relatively easier to change if they’re not what you want and screens and back rests can be removed or added to either model.
I also bought this helmet specifically because it matches beautifully with the GT's colour scheme so I guess I'm locked in
welcome from arizona
I spend a lot of time in Arizona (my boss and HQ is in Tempe) but it's always been too hot to hire a bike and ride but still on the bucket list. I'm there 4-5 times a year but rarely in the cooler months.
Welcome from an old Newcastle lad. You are going to love your new bike. I have ridden Arizone a few times in July and August and it does tend to get a bit warm - but there is some great riding if you get the chance.
I spend a lot of time in Arizona (my boss and HQ is in Tempe) but it's always been too hot to hire a bike and ride but still on the bucket list. I'm there 4-5 times a year but rarely in the cooler months.

Tempe is about 120 miles from me so i don't think we while be riding together much