Hello from sunny Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK

Hoopla that is not warm 40F = 4C
I think I would need more than heated grips.

Saying that you do know that you are alive with temps like that. More power to you elbow my friend.

Know what ya mean...it’s been cold here in Florida too , hasn’t hit 90 degrees for over a week
Hey fenders , welcome from Dartmoor . A place where men are men and sheep are scared !

That reminds me of an old UK joke I was once told where the punch line is ‘ one leg down each welly ...Arhhh but you can’t kiss em that way!” Oops bet I’m in trouble now !
That reminds me of an old UK joke I was once told where the punch line is ‘ one leg down each welly ...Arhhh but you can’t kiss em that way!” Oops bet I’m in trouble now !

You be talking about the Welshmen with the legs down the wellies I think that you need to circulate with a different group of friends with those kind of jokes, obviously there was no Englishmen in them to put you right
Currently running at 73F here and that is well Hot my brother across the pond - you can keep your 90F I would be a pool of sweat on the floor

LOL...of course I don’t know what any of this means? Being the good catholic boy I am...
Hello Phar2slo,
Difficult to fit the name to the bike and captain combo unless it is meant for everyone else on the road?

I just plod along slowly until I catch up to what's in front of me pass that lot and repeat the process.

Never in to much of a rush unless chasing @Tal down the road. Now he's always in hurry.