Hello from San Diego CA soon to be Norfork Va

Welcome to the site from New Jersey, Captain Zach , the official designation of an R3 owner/pilot, not to be confused with your military grade, Chief - and welcome back to the "normal" coast, weather be dammed (sic).

Thanks for your service and please do enjoy the ride, Sir!
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It definitely gets in your blood. I still trying to figure out how a 4 year enlistment turned into 16yrs but I can't complain too much it's a good living.
It definitely gets in your blood. I still trying to figure out how a 4 year enlistment turned into 16yrs but I can't complain too much it's a good living.

Funny you should mention that, my four year enlisted turned into 21 years and I was pissed that they fired me. Sure, they called it retirment but I know the truth, it is age discrimination!
That's exactly how I felt. "Hey, wait a minute, I'm more experienced than 90% of the force right now. You need me !" "No sir, you're too expensive. We need those young folks who'll fix the planes for four years, to be replaced by another set of high schoolers."

To the OP, we're happy to have you here (as would any of the other members here were you to be headed their way).
Welcome from up north.
I was just down in your neck of the woods a few weeks ago.
Hello everyone happy thanksgiving! I purchased my first Triumph yesterday and I looking foward to see you guys out on the road. I'm currently in San Diego but will be heading to Norfolk va in Dec.
You are doing it backwards, you spend the winter in SD and the summer in VA!!
Welcome from Tulsa OK