Welcome from Illinois By way of Norfolk I figured you might be a squid Are you heading to NOB or Little Creek ? I will be down there in December working on a house I have there maybe we can meet up I know a place that has the best Oysters Rockefeller in the world.
NOB I won't be in norfolk but for a few day in Dec due to going home to TN for leave. But hit me up if I'm in town I'll swap lies ... er tell sea stories with you.
NOB I won't be in norfolk but for a few day in Dec due to going home to TN for leave. But hit me up if I'm in town I'll swap lies ... er tell sea stories with you.
Heck ya I will be back after Christmas and might stay thru the spring depending on when I do the roof Except I might take a break and hop down to Daytona Bike week in March.
Welcome Zach! Nice R3T you got yerself...Spent some time in Guam on the USS Niagara Falls AFS-3. She's a fish motel these days, 12,000 feet down in the Pacific. Enjoy the ride!
Welcome from Northern Virginia -- and there are others here closer to where you are headed.
The mid-Atlantic has its charms - one of which is the seasons -- and on that, a word of caution to you. I don't know what you have planned for the bike to switch coasts -- please be prepared for a Plan B based on bad weather. While there is no bad weather, only bad clothing, so the saying goes, starting about now, electric gear is called for, and I for one, stop riding once enough snow has fallen for the the road departments to be laying salt. Once that happens, I put up the bike until there are hard enough rains to wash the offending road chemicals away. Typically, that is around the first or second week of March -- a tad earlier down Norfolk way.
Congratulations on a great choice of machine, and finding this forum, which for me, has made all the difference in the world owning and operating this bike.
Hello everyone happy thanksgiving! I purchased my first Triumph yesterday and I looking foward to see you guys out on the road. I'm currently in San Diego but will be heading to Norfolk va in Dec.
Welcome Zac from one of the many Aussies on the forum, good choice, by 2011 Touring has had all(most) the bugs ironed out, once you get it remapped and a bit of a tweak with the exhaust and air filtration it really is a Rocket
Hello Zach and welcome from Northern VA. Congratulations on your R3T, looks like a nice enough price tag there.
You will enjoy riding it across the country, even if it does take three days...
About swapping lies, sounds like a good enough reason to ride down to Norfolk; being a retire sailor myself, seeing the sea and a row of ships has a deep rooted value that I cannot deny for long.