Hi. I'm just north of Cornwall. Not sure if I missed where in Ontario you are. I have moved the controls / footpegs back and put Rox risers on my GT if you want to try that out. I find that it transformed the ride, to my infinite liking. I Macgyvered some highway pegs and put on a mix/match windshield system that rocks. I also duct-taped my talking shoes... You are all welcome to come visit.
Hi. I'm just north of Cornwall. Not sure if I missed where in Ontario you are. I have moved the controls / footpegs back and put Rox risers on my GT if you want to try that out. I find that it transformed the ride, to my infinite liking. I Macgyvered some highway pegs and put on a mix/match windshield system that rocks. I also duct-taped my talking shoes... You are all welcome to come visit.
Hey buddy. I'm in Peterborough. That looks great! I've heard a lot of people prefer repositioning those footpegs on the GTs. I thought I's give it a try at least and see how it felt. Was it costly to do? I'd prob have to get the dealer to do it after purcahsing the kit because I'm a complete imbicile when it comes to stuff like that.
Hey buddy. I'm in Peterborough. That looks great! I've heard a lot of people prefer repositioning those footpegs on the GTs. I thought I's give it a try at least and see how it felt. Was it costly to do? I'd prob have to get the dealer to do it after purcahsing the kit because I'm a complete imbicile when it comes to stuff like that.
I think the kit was $500 ish and took the dealer several hours to install. Due to a mix-up on the original invoice, I was charged only cost and no labour so I don't really know the full cost. I have a quick-shifter installed as well, so I'm also not sure if you could do it properly at home. We could meet at the Gananoque casino as soon as riding weather permits.
I think the kit was $500 ish and took the dealer several hours to install. Due to a mix-up on the original invoice, I was charged only cost and no labour so I don't really know the full cost. I have a quick-shifter installed as well, so I'm also not sure if you could do it properly at home. We could meet at the Gananoque casino as soon as riding weather permits.