Hello from Ontario

Hi. I'm just north of Cornwall. Not sure if I missed where in Ontario you are. I have moved the controls / footpegs back and put Rox risers on my GT if you want to try that out. I find that it transformed the ride, to my infinite liking. I Macgyvered some highway pegs and put on a mix/match windshield system that rocks. I also duct-taped my talking shoes... You are all welcome to come visit.
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Hey buddy. I'm in Peterborough. That looks great! I've heard a lot of people prefer repositioning those footpegs on the GTs. I thought I's give it a try at least and see how it felt. Was it costly to do? I'd prob have to get the dealer to do it after purcahsing the kit because I'm a complete imbicile when it comes to stuff like that.
WELCOME! to our R3 Family from Tucson, Arizona... and get ready for your new Perma-Grin! Looking forward to your first ride report...
Can't wait!! Let ya know for sure!
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I think the kit was $500 ish and took the dealer several hours to install. Due to a mix-up on the original invoice, I was charged only cost and no labour so I don't really know the full cost. I have a quick-shifter installed as well, so I'm also not sure if you could do it properly at home. We could meet at the Gananoque casino as soon as riding weather permits.
Up for that for sure!