Hello from Midland Texas

Welcome from Colorado. There is a lot of good info here about the Rocket. I dare say more than you will get from 95% of any Triumph dealer in the states. Al
Welcome aboard. You may reconsider calling your Rocket the tractor instead as that is what it sounds like. Others have called it a dump truck. HDs are just potato bikes to me.

Did my time in Purgatory, er Midland, back in 1983. Lots of very, very straight roads out there.
Welcome to the fold.
Brother rides a tractor huh?
I can see that, but I call em Harley fergusons,
so yea, I get that.
Congrats on your little problem not being a problem..
We were all newbys once, no worrys bro.
Ride safe,
Just unloaded my latest toy off the trailer. It is a 2014 TRIII Roadster 805 miles and I already have a problem. I have no knowledge or owners manual for this bike. But I put it in gear and it dies.

Welcome to the forum, new here myself !! Glad your problem wasn't !!!
Nice choice. I'm sure you'll love it.
welcome from arizona
and safe riding
Welcome from sunny Southern California! Let me know if you're ever out on the Best Coast!
Hello Kyle and welcome from a displaced Texan in VA.