Hello from Maine

I certainly have and I certainly will ;-)
Welcome CaptFlood from another Mainiac, in Searsport. Nothing like a rocket, I had my 500 miles service done a Blouins in Augusta and they couldn't even get the oil change right, only put 4 3/4 qts in, I'm sure they didn't drain all 3 plugs. They didn't use a check sheet just kind of winged it, I watched the whole thing. The service writer said they would go through the whole bike, well they didn't. I would only use them for something under warranty or very major that I couldn't do myself. These bikes are pretty easy to work on, get a manual and take your time learning about her. If you have questions, you're in the right place here, lots of help and advice.

Another welcome from the wet side of the country. I was stationed on a Minsweeper in Porland and lived outside of NAS Brunswick in the late 70s. The whole family fell in love with Maine.

Congrats on finally becoming a member of the Rocket family.