Hello from Houston

Thanks for the info Tex hopefully someone in Houston will have a r3t when I go in about two months, would really like to ride it home same day instead of waiting for it to come in. Sorry to hear you bought a hardly but I guess it'll work till you get the rocket back from carpenter Lol.
Welcome Tex. You should consider making the RAA trip to North Carolina next May.

You and these new Louisiana guys. For a long time I was the only one from Louisiana on this site. Glad to see I'm not alone now.

We could all meet up somewhere and ride to N.C. if you guys are interested.
Sounds good to me nolton. BTW...my home town is just down the road from you...the mighty metropolis of Rosepine
Hello R3 I am new here and live in East Texas around the Tyler/Longview area. R3 where did you purchase your sissy bar and was it a after market or Triumph?

Thanks for the info Nolan. Going to try to make RAA but don't think I'm going to be able to this year. Maby we can get together one day though I enjoy riding around Toledo bend.
All newbies be aware of Nolton, he is dangerous and has a car tire on his rocket
The sissy bar is Triumph...I ordered it from the dealer when I bought the bike. Since I've will soon be taking delivery of a v twin powered seat for the missus it is probably coming off in the very near future tho
Oh... and Nolton...you don't know the half of it. I landed in Houston via Beijing, Anchorage, India, Angola, Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia and Nigeria. My passport expired last year and I have no plans to renew it again...if I can't get there on the rocket I ain't goin