Hello from Houston

Welcome from balmy Kansas (you have to be a little balmy to live here). :kk:
I see you're from clearlake was wondering which dealer you purchased the r3 from and how the experience went. I'm accross the Sabine in sulphur and planning on making a trip in a couple of months to Houston to get my own beast, so far the only dealer I.have visited was British bikes and the salesman I talked to though he was trying to be helpful and was nice knew nothing about the triumphs he was trying to sell. I just don't want that to translate into any other possible problems as it's a 2.5 hr trip for service.
I purchased mine from Polaris West in Katy. Funny enough I wasn't even in the market for a new bike...I was in there buying an RZR4 utility vehicle. BTW...never take the wife on such an occasion...she nearly doubled the price in the RZR with tires, wheels, stereo, skid plates, etc or at least I least I let her think it was her fault . When I saw the R3R it was love at first sight. They made me a great deal on the beast a week or so later. I would recommend a call to them if you want a rocket. They told me they only get 2 or 3 a year unless they special order them and I bought the last one in the place. Plenty of other Triumphs tho...
hello from Austin, TX! I nearly bought a R3R from Houston but my dealer here got one in the day I was supposed to go out there! talk about timing…
had mine just over 6 months and it still makes me grin just walking up to it… let me know if you're ever out this way!
Howdy mate

My Rocket is mourning and going bard crazy it's stored in Alvin at Bayriders farm next to his R3 Classic. He is working in South Korea but gets home now and then to ride'em both. I packed up the family and moved to Perth, Western Australia.. Man the cost of living is wild so debating on getting R3 shipped over or just getting a beater bike for a few years here. Looks like we are here 4 plus? Spend most of the time on the beach anyway nowadays. Hope to come back to Friendswood area a few weeks a year maybe we can do a local Rocket meet and greet or ride to The Spot for a burger on the Island.. Been looking at the stripped Victory Bobber model in Perth I kinda like the look and the price... Anyway ride the blue highway for me and if you take the beast up to Fredricksberg don't kiss the sisters... watch out for the twisters.
The sisters are definitely on the agenda weather permitting but I might be without the bike for a few weeks...depending on how fast Carpenter can get it back to me. Assuming I have possession of the beastie I'm always up for a ride to the island. Summer is better tho...better scenery
Welcome from Cypress, Texas. Post up when you want to ride. There is a good size group of Rocket owners here in the Houston area. We try to get together a few times a month when the weather is good. Would like to see and hear her you get her back.
Will do, but I may get thrown off this forum soon...I was at Independence Harley yesterday and couldn't pass up an 2013 Ultra Limited Anniversary edition...after all...I had to have something to ride while the beast was away. At least now the missus has a comfy seat on long trips...and I can turn the Rocket into just that...a vehicle that takes me beyond the bonds of this earth