Hello from Blue Ridge,GA.


.020 Over
Dec 28, 2013
anything with HP
new to this site but not new to riding. been hiding out reading this site and forums for a few months. looks lik we all may just along..lol I enjoy antanginizing people too. finally got a dummy to buy my hardly so I can upgrade. test drove the r3t and going monday to test drive the r3r.. its a 09 from reading the post 09 most all bugs already worked out.. i loved the tour was best ride ever. before i go to test drive the r3r what else should i look for its a 09 no mods that i know of only 5k miles and asking 8999.00 non abs thinking i might be better off with abs here in the mountains....never had abs before.
Does the price sound right nada shows 10500. i thought good deal. test ride will tell me if i go with tour or roadster....thinking roadster...more power and 240 tire with im not really sure about the $310 for a tire but with the amount of hp will be well worth it..

any and all coments welcome.....good and bad.


  • 09 r3.png
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Welcome aboard from Houston. The '09 would be a Standard or a Classic I think. If it has factory two tone paint it is a Classic. The Roadster didn't come along until '10 as I understand it. If you decide you don't want the Standard post where it is on here as there might be some members on here that would be interested...like me for instance . I would say that anywhere in the $8,500 neighborhood seems reasonable to me based on what I've been seeing on Ebay and such. My advice would be to get down there on the double and plunk your cash on the table...you won't regret it.
ooooops...missed the pic. My guess is that you are looking at an '09 Standard. I don't think the mirrors, sissy bar, and luggage rack are standard factory equipment and are probably a few hundred $ worth of value.
Go with which ever bike you prefer the look and comfort of. The power difference is all in the ECU, and a good tune will even the playing field.
I don't know where you're pricing tires, but I got my rear tire 240/55R-16 Bridgestone Exedra Max for $176 delivered.

Welcome to the forum.
Welcome from (not so) Sunny South Florida! Great choice you're making.
G'day and welcome. Get the one that you are comfortable with. After 5,000 miles it has just started to loosen up a bit, the next 100,000 are the fun miles. So no problems with the mileage on it. ABS is good, but won't replace good riding habits. There are alternatives for the rear tyre, so you may want to look at some of them when the time comes.
Hey thanks for all the input by the way. from all the info and articals i had read it would be a good choice and great price.

also thanks for the tire info

anything specific that i need to beaware of? for that year? 09
Well the bike is 5 years old. It ain't no bargain. Good price. You can go down to your local dealer and get a new R3R out the door for 15000 us...just go get you one.