Hello from Barrie Ontario Canada

Just bought a brand new Rocket 3 Touring ABS. Traded my 2012 Harley FLHTCU in ! After 30 years of supporting HD I jump ship to the Brits. Love it so far......but only 250ks on her.
Another welcome from Edmonton. Snow's almost gone!
G'Day from Australia
Barrie! Wow. Small World.
I have a thing for Flying Monkeys - love the place and the Brew.
Welcome, I don't try to convert other riders to the rocket. I love to see them in my rearview, usually with a confused look on their face. I dont have to be at the front but when I wanna get there I WANNA GET THERE. This bike makes me smile. Keep the rubber side down.
Welcome to the forum ,your love your Rocket .
I'm in Richmond Hill , All us Canadian should set up a ride sometime of course the US would be invited as well