Hello everybody, I'm from Paris

Welcome from Texas, if size matters, Texas covers the same square kilometers as France ((Texas is approximately 678,052 sq km)with a little left over). Enjoy the new ride.
Welcome from Texas, if size matters, Texas covers the same square kilometers as France ((Texas is approximately 678,052 sq km)with a little left over). Enjoy the new ride.

thank you also for this comparison; many Frenchies should keep a sense of proportion and realize better how relatively insignificant is France and should stop qualifying too many things over here as "the most...in the world".

Personally I've traveled enough around the globe to realize that every place has something unique. Then it is more a question of taste and personal convictions.

So I'm rather convinced by facts e.g. : France is the largest European motorcycles market. We're lucky because all French governments we've had, have been (are) probably among the most hostile ones towards bikers, we even say that they try to kill the motorcycles but there is a strong resistance over here fortunately (the first export market in the world for the Indian brand is France and probably for most brands).

Don't know yet, about Triumph but when I see its market share growth and reputation in France (most tests by the press result in ranking 1st a Triumph model vs others), it should definitively significant vs other countries. Next year I anticipate that Triumph in France should exceed the Harley market share...

2019 - Number of sales in France by brand (y/y growth)

1 Yamaha : 33 975 (+ 6,6 %)

2- Honda : 33 123 (+ 15,2 %)

3- BMW : 17 791 (+ 13,7 %)

4- Kawasaki : 16 112 (+ 15,3 %)

5- Harley-Davidson : 8 777 (- 1,7 %)

6- Triumph : 8203 (+ 6,8 %)

7- KTM 8164 (+ 4,2 %)

8- Suzuki : 7643 ( + 6,8 %)

10- Ducati : 4472 (+ 7,8 %)

11- Royal Enfield : 3545 (+ 98,5 %)

2019 - Number of sales in France by model (y/y growth)

1. Yamaha MT-07 : 6368, - 4,1 %

2. Kawasaki Z 650 : 3676, -0,7 %

3. Kawasaki Z 900 : 3451, + 0,7 %

4. BMW R 1250 GS : 3420, new

5. Yamaha Tracer 900 : 2921, + 16,3 %

6. Honda CB 650 R : 2687, new

7. Honda CB 500 F : 2683, + 3,1 %

8. BMW R 1250 GS ADV : 2454, new

9. BMW R 1250 RT : 2234, new

10. Suzuki GSX-S 750 : 2133 (1138 full + 995 A2), + 65 %

11. Yamaha MT-09 : 1985,+ 7,3Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 : 1773, new

12. Triumph Street Triple : 1686, + 2,8 %

13. Yamaha MT-09 : 1985,+ 7,3
welcome from poland
Welcome friend, I’m just now seeing this after reading you in another thread.

I’ll just tell you guys this fellow going nuts over the new R3 and I hope he gets to enjoy one.
Welcome from "Smokey" Melbourne Australia......can i suggest with great respect and humility .....that you just lash out and buy the Rocket.....i can assure there will be no regret
Welcome from Wisconsin! Good luck with your decision!