Hello and thanks for all of the insights on Rockets ! New owner - Bike arrived- in North Carolina

Hi Claymore
Welcome from Christchurch New Zealand.

That's my bike beside Tal we get out for a ride together sometimes.

Enjoy the Rocket.

It's great to have another Scotsman living in The US of A on the Forum so we can have some banter with aye.

Well git'r'dun lad. There will be some riding days between now and spring. Be nice to ride with somebody besides my HD buddies. Having to put up with 2 of us should give them a case of the vapors
What pipe do you have on there?
That's a Jardine header and cans...ceramic coated..
Looks nice, simple and efficient. I am getting a Viking from Paul and I think it looks similar.
Mel, have you not received your system yet ?

Yes I have Paul but I am still getting the bike built up with the pistons and cams going in. The first shop I wanted to do the job(the Dealer) chickened out and I had to go to a back up plan. In the end they are the best bike builders in the city but not to fast.

Your pipe is cleaner than chit.

Cool, just the way your last post was written, I was thinking you hadn't received it.