HellFire is Going Darkside !!!

28psi was too low, 30psi felt very nice and will probably to back to it, 32 sits better and the tire doesn't "bulge" much. I was out scraping the pegs on purpose to see just how far over the tire would touch the ground and even with the floor boards bent up at 45 degrees the tire never used all the tread.

New tires are greasy of course, I launched with the intention of raising the front wheel and the tire slipped one revolution ... it wiped the "new" off and stood straight up.

I LOVE this tire ... I've been mean to it and the little "nubbies" are still there! I don't think I could wear this thing out if I tried.

I just noticed that my white cat has black grease down his back ... his lack of fear gets him in trouble and dirty. When I came home with the mounted tire, he was sitting under the rear fender while it was on the center stand and jack. He's the only pet I've seen that will ride on a lawn mower taking a nap. Silly animal
Yeah a home wouldn't be a home with out one and they are all mad in one way or another I used to have cat many years ago( died of old age) that used to unbenown to me get up on top off the V8 engine block and go to sleep between the Dizzy and Carby (ford engine) at front and obvisoubly let it tail dangle any any way one day I came home had only been home about an hour an remembered I needed to run an errand, well I jumped in the car and the cat must not have heard me ...because as I cranked the engine over, there was this loud thump and mornfull cat scream... the cat came out from under the car with 3/4 of it's tail hanging on by a bit of skin ..after half hour of chase the cat around still screaming in pain I caught it and took it to vet, after his recovery his name changed to BOBTAIL his name was Benny before, Oh yeah what was that errand again
Thats sad but funny.
Now that 2 on black bikes. Glad you like it. I didnt want you to blame me for a bad experience. Try the braking at 35 and 60. You will be sitting on the tank, LOL
Thats sad but funny.
Yeah made a good talking point and we had a laught or two after the cat had fully recovered but for some reason he gave the car a wide berth after that, oh it actually had caught his tail between the fanbelt and pulley... fur everywhere... damm lucky it wasn't a paw or his head..

When I got my bike it had a Raptor on it, but came with the stock Metz still mounted on another stock wheel. I switched them out last night (Side note, I wouldn't recommend a craftsman motorcycle jack...)

I didn't really notice any improvement in handling with the metz, not that it was bad before but I thought the motorcycle tire would be better. I'll probably just put the other back on when the Metz gets worn down a bit.
Hellfire, I have about 3000 miles on that BF. Just curious if the tire gets softer with wear or did I just get used to the feel. It feels like there is no effort to lean now and I would like your opinion.