HellFire is Going Darkside !!!

tire size

i have had my darkside on for bout 15000 miles now and stiil looking good which i have a 08 r3t and have a yokohama tire i think i have a pix listed on the darkside forum
hellfire i believe you will like the darkside air pressure is the main thing

Rainman, what size and model of yokohama tire did you put on your R3T?
Are you happy with it? would you change to a different tire ( Raptor, Toyo etc) if you had to do it again?
LOL!!! Well I ride more aggressively now that I've ridden the twisties in N.C.
I have pushed the tire hard lately and it just gets better. The only thing that holds me back is Louisiana roads have ruts from log trucks. I grew up on dirt bikes so I am still getting to know the feel of a heavier bike but I can give you one review. A service man at the last dealership, with experience riding DS on a Rocket said that the BF handles better in turns than any other DS that he has tried before. He said that the other DS made it hard to lean but the BF had a smooth transition. It could have been the tire or the psi. Not sure but it works for me so I hope you like your choice.
Oh, I forgot something the guy said while ordering from Tire Rack .... The site was acting funny and I wanted to make sure they got my order so I called. The guy said it only had me down for one tire and HE wanted to verify I didn't mean four. I told him yes, just one, it's for my bike ... He said, Okay cool, we've gotten a bunch of that lately ... you ride a big bike?

Must be more than a few guys owning monsters, sick of light weight over priced bike tires not cuttin' the mustard with their powerful heavy bikes ... we are not alone out there!
Type "Car tires on motorcycles" into your web browser ... it's a fairly popular topic and most of it is positive.

Hopefully the tire makers will get the message and start producing shoes that fit BIG feet.
Hopefully the tire makers will get the message and start producing shoes that fit BIG feet.

You know as well as I do that the tire makers would rather pay a lobbyist a few bucks to have a law passed banning darkside rather than cut into their profits.
What kind of tire is that?
How's it handle curves?
Those are the 2 most common questions I get....
I just smile and say "it does alright" on curves.
Don't want to let everybody know we're all crazy, right?
Let the uninformed keep on believing they'll only go straight on a car tire,
and only a certified looney tune would do something like that...
Hey, we got to be crazy right, we're not riding harleys....
Hellfire, post some pic's when you get it. You need to prove that you belong to the crazy group.

When I saw it the tire on the porch I thought they delivered the wrong size ....

This 225/55ZR16 BFG looks almost TOO big. I never expected it to look every bit as large as the Eagle-1 240/50 looked sitting next to the bike. It rained all day and I didn't roll the bike out to remove the wheel, hopefully I can get to it tomorrow since it's not supposed to downpour all day.


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