Did you look at @mully95 's bike when he was up to Stearns ? See the neat little shield he has, that I copied, to keep the textile off the header at the leg's closest point of approach ?
Not even a "G-string" worth of coverage - looks like it belongs there.
Yes I sure did. I went to that event to meet people but also to learn from other captains about what they had done with their bikes.
It was a great time but what I learned was even more valuable. There was so much experience there and I sucked it up. After seeing Mully’s bike I was sure I wanted that pipe and that little shield he put on there was perfect. I mean fantastic looking. I’m modeling that.
Warp set me straight about what type of power delivery was best for our twistie roads. Therefore the Lush pistons and cams matched withe the Viking pipes.
Speedy taught me a few things about suspension. I really did not digest it all and had to just have tell me what to buy. Traxxion front and Racetech rears.
This forum ain’t just a bunch of BS for me, I profit plenty from the knowledge of the members.
As much as I'd love to keep those beautiful pipes exposed and visible, this is ride-able and I really like my leg more than being pretty... It is an amazing difference.
Tested original header temperatures against complaints of custom..mine were reading the same. Can only assume the tune is wrong or needs updating on the custom pipes! One critical person stated his were at 690 degrees F..so were mine! What's new??
It’s the second layer on the stock pipes that cuts the perception of radiant heat. My ceramic coated CES pipes came out to around 450f at idle, but, it felt hotter than stock because of no full length shield.
I personally know how traffic is in Vegas and totally understand why you went this route. I'm guessing that most of the guys here don't suffer as much stop and go traffic as you do.
Even after installing forward foot pegs. and riding in 90 degree plus heat, the pipes are no problem at all. A lot can be said for a good tune on a slightly modified bike.
I don’t like excessive heat but looks and style are important too. I guess I’ll see soon enough what heat comes off the Viking. I assure you I’ll have a good tune.